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For Families

Resources for Parents & Families
The U.S. Breastfeeding Committee celebrates the announcement of the launch of a new webpage for parents and families. This new resource page is designed for expecting and new parents who are looking for information about breastfeeding and human milk. The information is organized into topic areas of interest. The USBC team created this webpage to help guide families to the professionals, information, and resources they need as part of their infant feeding journey, including considerations when returning to work or school.
Other Useful Links
Hospital Support for Breastfeeding
LACTNET Archives
La Leche League International
AAP: Breastfeeding Statement
AAP: The Transfer of Drugs and Other Chemicals into Human Milk
AAP: Congenital Tongue-Tie & Its Impact on Breastfeeding
UNICEF UK: Caring For Your Baby at Night
Every Mother
Why Babies Should Never Sleep Alone
Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute
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