For the children of New Hampshire to be healthy and strong, they must receive the best possible nutrition when they are infants.
For Anyone, Anywhere, at Anytime.
Annual Breastfeeding Conference
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June 9 | 2025
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Strategic Plan 2021-2025

The New Hampshire Breastfeeding Task Force is a charitable, non profit, 501 (c)3 organization whose mission is to protect, promote, and support breastfeeding through education, outreach, and advocacy.
All families in New Hampshire will have access to high quality breastfeeding education and support through evidence-based care and well-informed professionals.
Diversity, Equity/Inclusion
Goal 1:
Expand and engage membership within Task Force.
Identify committees and opportunities for members to engage at all general membership meetings.
Engage all birthing hospitals, birthing centers and home birth professionals with Task Force membership and activities.
Empower new members to engage in task force activities.
Increase and retain member involvement in committees, Board interest, and community activities.
Identify and deconstruct barriers to full participation in Task Force activities on the basis of identity.
Goal 3:
Strengthen the coalition's governance to support a sustainable and robust infrastructure.
Evaluate and assess progress of strategic goals and activities.
Examine and consider grant opportunities that align with goals
Strengthen and diversify Board membership.
Goal 5:
Advocate for policies that protect breastfeeding.
Draft and support state legislation for workplace lactation support.
Participate in legislative activities to increase visibility and influence.
Work with NH Medicaid to strengthen coverage for lactation care and donor milk.
Support public and private sector employers seeking to establish workplace lactation policies.
Goal 2:
To be the trusted source for professionals and families seeking lactation information, support, and resources.
Offer an annual professional conference with education and networking.
Assist health professionals in obtaining evidence-based information that optimizes breastfeeding outcomes.
Keep the Task Force website relevant, up to date and evidence based.
Promote and share current, evidence-based and culturally diverse breastfeeding information, print materials, and training.
Support the statewide 10 Steps to Successful Breastfeeding Collaborative.
Increase awareness of the Task Force/Coalition among the community.
Goal 4:
Nurture and expand partnerships in our state with a focus on maternal and child health.
Maintain and foster relationships and collaboration with other organizations to promote the goals of the Task Force.