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Breastfeeding Friendly Childcare
Kids Blowing Bubbles

Premio Cuidado Infantil Amigo de la Lactancia Materna

El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Lactancia Materna de New Hampshire tiene como objetivo promover, proteger y apoyar la lactancia materna. Con la reciente implementación de la Ley de tiempo de descanso para madres lactantes en virtud de la Ley de atención asequible y la publicación en 2011 del Llamado a la acción del Cirujano General para apoyar a las mujeres que amamantan, cada vez más mujeres eligen amamantar a sus bebés. Cuando los programas de cuidado infantil se convierten en socios y defensores fuertes para alentar y apoyar a las madres a continuar amamantando, los beneficios para las familias son enormes. Los propios programas de cuidado infantil también se benefician de la mejora del estado de salud de los niños bajo su cuidado. Saber que apoya y alienta activamente a las madres y bebés que amamantan podría llevar a las familias a elegir su programa sobre otros y podría marcar una diferencia clave en la decisión de una madre de iniciar y continuar amamantando a su bebé.

Purpose of the NH Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Award

Child care programs themselves also benefit from the improved health status of the children in their care. Knowing that you actively support and encourage breastfeeding mothers and babies could lead to families choosing your program over others and could make a key difference in a mother's decision to initiate and continue to breastfeed her baby.

Baby's Grasp

Elegibilidad para el premio

Todos los programas de cuidado infantil con licencia de NH son elegibles para solicitar el Premio Cuidado Infantil Amigable con la Lactancia Materna. Ver the Solicitud y lista de verificación para el premio Cuidado Infantil Amigo de la Lactancia Materna de NH para obtener más detalles.

Las preguntas y las solicitudes completas se pueden enviar por correo electrónico, por fax o por correo postal a:

Atención: Lissa Sirois, RD, IBCLC
Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos de NH
División de Servicios de Salud Pública
29 Hazen Drive Concord, NH 03301

Teléfono: 603-271-0571
Fax: 603-271-4779

Checklist for Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Award

1. Breastfeeding Friendly Child Care Self-Assessment (below)

2. Signature from Center Director on Self-Assessment (below)

3. Copy of your Program's breastfeeding policy

4. Copy of professional development certificate from training on breastfeeding promotion and support (Minimum of one person from your center must have completed a minimum 1 hour training (in-person or online) within the past two years)

5. Sample of a printed breastfeeding education material (i.e., brochure, handout, magazine) distributed at the center. Please send a minimum one sample.

Please allow 6 weeks for review.

Please mail or email the required information to the contact listed below. Or if you are not ready to apply but would like more information, please email or call the number below.

New Hampshire Breastfeeding Task Force Child Care Friendly Award Application

Please fill out all fields of the following form in order to submit

Please check one of the following:
1. Our center has breastfeeding promotion messages (e.g. posters, brochures) on display.
2. Our center has learning and play materials that normalize breastfeeding for children in the classroom.
3. Our center has accurate written materials on breastfeeding topics (not from formula companies) available for all parents. If yes, please include a sample brochure/handout with application.
4. Our center invites mothers to visit throughout the day to breastfeed their babies.
5. Our center welcomes breastfeeding anywhere in the facility.
6. Our center has a designated private space (not a bathroom), if desired, for mothers (including staff) to breastfeed or express milk.
Our center’s designated private space for breastfeeding mothers includes the following (please circle all that apply):
7. Our center has designated space in a refrigerator and freezer for breast milk storage.
8. Our staff members are provided with flexible breaks to accommodate breastfeeding and/or expressing milk at work.
9. Our center helps mothers continue to breastfeed their babies when they return to work or school by coordinating feeding times with the mother and infant’s normal feeding schedule.
10. Our center feeds infants on demand based on the infant’s hunger cues, with full effort to avoid unnecessary waste of expressed breast milk.
11. Our center is aware of breastfeeding-related community resources (i.e., support groups, lactation consultants, NH Breastfeeding Resource Guide) and refers moms as appropriate.
12. Our center has received professional development training (i.e. in-person or online staff training for contact hours or continuing education credits) on promoting and supporting breastfeeding within the past two years.
13. Our center has a written policy that reflects the center's commitment to breastfeeding.
14. Our staff follows the written breastfeeding policy mentioned in Question #13.
15. Our center shares the above-noted written breastfeeding policy with families who have infants.
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Ganadores anteriores del premio Childcare


  • Academia Mundial, Nashua


  • Centro de cuidado infantil ABCs, New London

  • Cuestiones de calidad infantil, Centro infantil Nurture & Nature, Newfield

  • Centro de aprendizaje y guardería Educare, Goffstown

  • Centro de aprendizaje Kidlogic, East Kingston

  • Centro infantil Sunrise, Amherst

  • Programa de Acción Comunitaria Belknap-Merrimack Counties Inc.

  • Centro de aprendizaje Applewood, Londonderry 


  • Levántate para el bebé y la familia, Keene

  • El Centro de aprendizaje infantil en Cheshire Medical Center/Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Keene 


  • Centro Infantil de la Familia Harris, Academia Phillips Exeter, Exeter 

  • El Centro Integral del Niño, Tilton


  • Un lugar para crecer, Brentwood

  • Centro de aprendizaje Applewood, Londonderry


  •  Community Action Program Condados de Belknap-Merrimack Early HeadStart/ HeadStart/ Community Child Care, Concord & Laconia

  • Centro de Desarrollo Infantil y Familiar, Concord

  • Educación del pequeño árbol, Madbury


  • El camino del aprendizaje, Salem

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